I'm Asep Agus Heri Hermawan

A Web Developer in Training

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There are some projects that I already Deploy on GitHub though it still needs a lot of improvements.

Projects of todolist from Udemy Academy

farm house

In this Exercise I tried to replicate the simple todolist web app. The main subjects that i learnt from this project is the implementation of jQuery and DOM manipulation using jQuery.

In this exercise I am able to use fontawesome as well. The features of this app that can be used is removing and adding item to your to do list. Making the app responsive is also one of the aims of this simple web app.


Yelp Camp Projects (On Going) from Udemy


In this project I tried to make a full website application where you can choose some place to go. This is a full web app aplication using stack of MEN. In this web app there are some important features that the users hopefully can use such as adding new campgrounds, deleting campgrounds, getting more info about a campgrounds and in the future version of this project the user can log in into their own account, adding comment associated only to that user, deleting comments associted only to that user


In this project I learn mostly about the backend aspects of programming such as the HTTP protocol, RESTful concepts, using nodejs, express, mongoose and mongodb. bosscha

I havent been able to deploy this project since I use an online IDE called goorm to do this project so I still need to manually start the server from the IDE.


Currently I'm working on the third version of the app which is adding delete path. Version 4 would be about adding some authentications. I am so motivated!!!

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