I'm Asep Agus Heri Hermawan

A Web Developer in Training

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I am graduated from a well-known university in Bandung, Universitas Padjadjaran. Majoring in English Language and Literature for 8 semesters, I am capable of comprehending English in all aspects. The benefit of entering this departement is not merely understanding conversations in English language. Deeper, now I can think more critically and analitycally. Having more organized thoughts to do some projects and having a strong algorithm logics are some benefits of this department.

Currently, I am learning programming unformally. Have been passionate about computer since I was a kid, I now have a lot of opportunities to know more about web developer, android programming and learning some programming languages. The dream is not always easy to achieve. Though I am now not young anymore but I am sure that there is no limitations of age for learning and achieving your dreams. I did not have the oportunity to achieve my dream as a programmer through a formal education, but now I can prove that I am very capable of achieving that dream.

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